Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mold in the House

Mold is something that we are all taught early on that we are supposed to hate and get rid of, but just what is mold and what role does it play in the world? Why are we supposed to get rid of it from our homes? Is it just unsightly? Or is there another and more serious reason?

Mold is classified as a fungus that lives both in the indoor environment and the outdoor environment and whether you have asthma, emphysema, or are perfectly healthy, there is not really much that you can do to completely get rid of it. You can try all you want, but mold really is here to stay. It grows in all the colors that you can think of and even a few that you might not think of when the idea of mold enters your head. Living in a home that is infected with mold is definitely a long term risk to your health the longer that you continue to live in it.

Mold will affect you whether you are a healthy adult, small child, or senior citizen and if you have a good immune system, it will not take long for mold to wear it down. Pregnant women and anyone who has a compromised immune system, such as those with HIV or AIDS, is at a higher risk of health complications due to the presence of mold in their living area. Pregnant women should be aware that mold can cause birth defects.

Not only does mold do damage to the inside of your body, but it also does damage to the inside of your home. Ceilings and walls become discolored and rooms will start to smell. Mold begins to decompose the materials that your home is made out of, like the drywall, carpet, and wood. It particularly likes to feed on the paper on both sides of your drywall, but a good solution to this if you are building a new home is to invest in paperless sheetrock.

If you think that there might be mold in your home, you need to order some mold testing kits. Testing your home yourself for mold is not very difficult as long as you follow the directions that come with the kit exactly. After testing, they will be sent to a laboratory that specializes in mold detection and identification; the results of the test should be returned to you in a few weeks. If the test is positive, call a local mold remediation professional.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
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